30 boites en origami - A moduler a l'infini!
Author(s): Tomoko Fuse ISBN: 9782756521527 Publisher: les editions de saxe / 2013 Language : French |
Rating (Average) 2.5000 (2 ratings) |
About this Book
English translation of title: 30 Origami Boxes - To Model Into Infinity! This is the French version of a book by Tomoko Fuse entitled Hako No Origami, originally published in Japanese by Nihon Vogue Co., Ltd., 2013 UserComments
tgritter --
This book has clear diagrams and instructions, with beautiful color photos of the finished models. The first one-third of the book is dedicated to non-modular boxes -- cubes, pyramids, triangles -- including some unusual lids set on masu bases. The rest of the book features modular boxes of many shapes -- squares, cubes, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, octagons. A wonderful book, even if you can not read French -- it is possible to make most of the models just by following the diagrams. |